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9/11 Didn’t End on 9/11®

Were you there on 9/11 or any part of the 8 months that followed?

$10 billion and free health care available for responders, construction & debris
removal workers, downtown office workers, residents, students & teachers

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35,000+ Clients

in the 9/11 community

$3 Billion+ Recovered

for victims & their families

Helping Thousands

get free lifetime health care℠

500,000 people exposed to deadly 9/11 toxins from 9/11 to May 2002

  • 300,000+ office workers
  • 100,000 responders
  • 50,000 students and teachers
  • 25,000 downtown residents
  • Thousands of volunteers
Exposure Map
Click on the (+) signs, above, to see some representative businesses and schools in the VCF exposure zone

Over $3 Billion recovered for victims

$3,700,651for a disabled NYC police officer due to leukemia

$3,254,242for wrongful death of a firefighter due to 9/11-related asthma/RADS

$2,811,150for a disabled sanitation worker due to skin cancer/melanoma

$2,811,150for a disabled stock broker due to multiple myeloma

$2,022,440for wrongful death of Con Edison employee due to liver cancer

$1,731,917for wrongful death of a carpenter due to lung cancer

$1,827,279for a disabled teacher due to breast cancer

$1,812,981for a disabled steel worker due to bladder cancer

$1,422,694for wrongful death of a downtown office worker due to pulmonary fibrosis

$3,700,651for a disabled NYC police officer due to leukemia

$3,254,242for wrongful death of a firefighter due to 9/11-related asthma/RADS

$2,811,150for a disabled sanitation worker due to skin cancer/melanoma

$2,811,150for a disabled stock broker due to multiple myeloma

$2,022,440for wrongful death of Con Edison employee due to liver cancer

$1,731,917for wrongful death of a carpenter due to lung cancer

$1,827,279for a disabled teacher due to breast cancer

$1,812,981for a disabled steel worker due to bladder cancer

$1,422,694for wrongful death of a downtown office worker due to pulmonary fibrosis

Sample awards depend on severity of illnesses:

Non life-threatening illnesses:

Skin cancers:

All life threatening cancers:

Prior results do not guarantee a similar outcome. Barasch & McGarry, Lawyers for the 9/11 Community is located in New York, New York and serves clients throughout the entire NY metropolitan area, including former New York residents who have since relocated to other states and volunteers who came to NY to help in the WTC rescue and recovery efforts.

A photo of Michael Barasch and Jon Stewart.

Never Forget The Heroes Act passes

We Lobbied Congress

Barasch & McGarry was proud to join forces with 9/11 advocates, including comedian Jon Stewart, to successfully lobby Congress for the Permanent Authorization of the September 11th Victim Compensation Fund (VCF).

  • The VCF has been extended to 2092. Claimants may file new or amended claims up until then.
  • The VCF is required to pay claimants the full amount of their award. Those claimants whose awards were cut by the Special Master because of insufficient funding (after February, 2019) will be made whole.
  • The bill was passed in the House on July 12, 2019 (H.R.1327), and the Senate on July 23, 2019 (S.546).

Don’t Wait:

You May Qualify

Compensation is available to anyone who has become sick or died from exposure to the toxins on 9/11. Lower Manhattan Office Workers, Residents, Teachers and Students – not just Responders and Volunteers, are all eligible. Check If You Qualify

Photo of victims.

We worked, lived, and went to school in the exposure zone on or after 9/11. We all qualify.

A photo of Ken M.

I thought the Victim Compensation Fund and the health program were geared for firefighters and police officers, but I’m one of the victims, too. I’m happy I chose Barasch & McGarry to help me get a fair award for my illness and lost income.

Ken M.
Goldman Sachs VP, Kidney Cancer
A photo of a tech helping a man into an MRI machine.

New WTC-Linked Cancers added every year

69 Cancers Linked to 9/11

Over 15,000 people in the 9/11 community have been certified with one or more of 69 cancers linked to the toxins. Cancers with long latency periods, such as mesothelioma, are just starting to emerge. Among the 69 cancers, the most common are:

  • Skin cancers (basal, squamous, melanoma)
  • Prostate cancer
  • Breast cancer (men & women)
  • Blood cancers (lymphoma & multiple myeloma)
  • Thyroid cancer

The sooner you act, the sooner you can receive the benefits and compensation you deserve.

Non-Cancer Illnesses Linked to 9/11

Common Respiratory & Digestive Ailments

If you weren’t caught in the toxic dust cloud that day, you might overlook the connection between your illness and 9/11. Area office workers, residents, teachers, and students should be aware of the most common non-cancerous illnesses linked to the WTC toxic dust:

  • Asthma/reactive airway disease
  • COPD
  • Sinusitis
  • GERD
  • Barrett’s esophagus
  • Sleep apnea

If you have any questions about your eligibility, take advantage of a free consultation with one of our experienced 9/11 attorneys. Legal fees are 10% and contingent on a successful result.

Free Health Care Is Available

The World Trade Center Health Program (WTCHP) provides free nationwide health monitoring, testing, treatment, and prescription drugs for people with a range of 9/11-linked conditions. If you were in Lower Manhattan on 9/11 or in the aftermath, you should register now, even if you’re currently healthy.


No one fights harder for the 9/11 community

Are you eligible?

Fill out the form below or call 800-798-3962 to get started with your eligibility check and free consultation.

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